How to get out of psychological trauma
How to get out of psychological trauma
How to get out of psychological trauma
A person is exposed to posttraumatic Stress, which makes him panic and fear even in situations where he is safe, and often a person becomes infected with this condition after experiencing a difficult situation, such as: sexual assault, war, or after the death of a loved one, and in this article we will discuss how to get out of psychological trauma:
How to get out of psychological trauma: medical treatment
It is never recommended to throw the load out of psychological trauma on the person concerned alone, as there are a number of ways to help get him out of his neuropsychic shock, so how to get out of psychological trauma is summarized by both medication and psychotherapy, which is summarized in the following points:
1. Psychotherapy
Psychotherapy aims to provide a person with skills to control the symptoms of psychological trauma and to introduce him to how to get out of psychological trauma and live with it.:
Cognitive therapy: this therapy aims to teach a person through speech how to stay away from thoughts that lead to feelings of sadness and panic.
Exposure therapy: this therapy aims to expose a person to a situation that has terrified them through virtual reality programs to make their level of fear and panic lower each time.
Group therapy: it is done by sharing the situation that has affected the person to enter into psychological trauma with people who have been through the same experience.
The doctor and patient then determine which of these treatments is best and may agree to use more than one therapy at the same time.
2. Medicines
Talking about how to get out of trauma leads us to talking about medications that may help in and out of treatment that can be used with psychotherapy, examples of which come:
Help antidepressant medications to treat the symptoms of anger and depression, and improve sleep and concentration.
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are the best approved by the FDA, examples of such drugs include:
Sertraline (Sertraline).
Paroxetine (Paroxetine).
Anti-anxiety medications
Say we talk about how to get out of the mental trauma to talk about anti-anxiety medications which are described in the case accompanied by anxiety and trauma, but often don't exchange her for a long time because some types of this drug is addictive.
Prazosin (Prazosin)
However, there are differences about the effectiveness of this drug as some believe that it helps relieve nightmares but others deny, so it is advisable to consult well with your doctor before taking this drug.
How to get out of psychological trauma: coexistence and support
After completion of talk about how to get out of the trauma we go to talk about some things that may help in dealing with this situation, such as:
Use Friends: this is by talking to them when the person is ready to talk about the trauma he has suffered, and asking for help in the work of the house from lovers.
Coping with emotions: although being isolated for a short time is good, being isolated and refusing to talk about trauma for a long time can make the situation worse.
Self-interest: by eating healthy food, in addition to exercising, and sleeping enough hours.
Patience: of course, the cause of the trauma will not be easily forgotten, but it needs time and patience.
Tips for getting out of psychological trauma
After talking about how to get out of the mental trauma through medication and psychotherapy, we'll move on to talk about some tips that might help out, too, like:
Commitment to the treatment plan.
Read about psychological trauma to find out the most important strategies that may be best suited in order to get out of psychological trauma.
Do not dispense medications for yourself and consult a psychologist.
Distracting attention when feeling angry by walking or even riding a bike.
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