No, Old Age Is Not A Bitch

No, Old Age Is Not A Bitch Numerous ladies age 70 or more frequently whine to me, "Mature age is such a bitch". As a rule, my reaction is, "Well, truly, mature age might be a bitch, yet it doesn't need to be.. " You've heard the articulation, "Life is what you make it"? It's not simply a platitude, It's actual. Mature age may appear to be a bitch due to chronic weakness, forlornness, monetary issues, or you don't seem as though you used to look, yet here's the truth: on the off chance that you actually can grumble, you can change things. You will be unable to do a ton, however frequently you can accomplish more than you want to on the off chance that you decide to TRY. Simply the demonstration of attempting is invigorating. We should consider things said to torment more established individuals - and what to do about it. "I'm a casualty": There might be in excess of a couple of us who are noncompos mentis, however ...